About Us
Sangsok Son Ph.D.
TLE Researcher & Developer
Literacy & Education Consultant
LEAD Asia Pacific /
SIL International

Minjung Kim M.A.
TLE Researcher & Developer
Literacy & Education Specialist
LEAD Asia Pacific/
SIL International
Since 2018, LEAD Asia Pacific, a service unit of SIL International, in collaboration with Foundation for Applied Linguistics, has been developing the translanguaging-in-education (TLE) program for multilingual classrooms with minoritized students in the 2/3rds world. We have tried translanguaging pedagogy in various schools in towns and rural mountains in Chiangmai, Thailand in 2019 after library research in 2018. The 5-year TLE pilot research project, in further collaboration with Office of the Basic Education Commission in Chiangmai Province of Thailand with the funding from Child's Dream Foundation, began in May 2020 in three government schools in Chiangmai with 12 teachers for grade 4 to 6 in the four subjects of Thai, English, Math, and Science. To learn more about TLE, please contact us.