Workshop for Teachers
1st TLE Workshop for Teachers
27-30 June 2020, Chiangmai, Thailand

The first teacher training workshop was held for teachers participating in the pilot TLE research project from July 2020 to April 2025. The focus of this workshop was on TLE principles and the participants' stance toward the home language and bilingualism of students. For further information on the workshop regarding topics of each session and various activities, see the workshop report.
2nd TLE Workshop for Teachers
2-4 Dec. 2020, Chiangmai, Thailand

The second teacher training workshop was prepared to equip the teachers to be able to design their own TL unit plan for the second semester of grade 4. They also learned various kinds of TL writing activities and how to make bilingual worksheets for four subjects (Thai, English, Math, and Science).
TLE Workshop for Teachers for Research
23-24 Jan. 2021. Chiangmai, Thailand

This workshop was provided on the request by an education supervisor who is doing a PhD research on TLE. This time, the content for each session was prepared by me (Sangsok) but the lectures were delivered by two Thai facilitators while I observed their leading and gave feedback after each session. The teachers were from 7 different multilingual schools and teach Thai subject for grade 3. After this workshop, the supervisor and I had a chance to visit the schools where these teachers teach and provided coaching based on the observation of their teaching.