Translanguaging-in-Education Projects
Implementation | Research | Consulting

Pilot Project
May 2020~April 2025
The TLE pilot project was initiated by LEAD Asia and Pacific in collaboration with Foundation for Applied Linguistics and Office of the Basic Education Commission, Chiangmai Province with funding from Child's Dream Foundation. The project aims to develop TL unit plans with various TL strategies for the subjects of Math, Science, Thai, and English from grade 4 to 6 along with capacity building for the 12 teachers involved (stance change and TL based teaching) and the enhanced education experience of bilingual students.

August 2020~April 2021
A research project was conducted with a focus on teachers in terms of their attitudinal change and TL-based teaching performance. The process of the teachers' stance transformation and the development of their TL based teaching performance has been recorded during the initial 9 months of the 5-years TLE pilot project. The report will be uploaded soon on this page. Look forward to hearing the full research paper that we hope to be available in June. Child's Dream Foundation funded for this research.

Research Project on
Students' Performance
June 2021~ May 2025
Another research will be conducted with a focus on students' academic performance resulting from teachers' TL based teaching. Grade 4 students from the 3 schools will be followed up for 3 years till they graduate primary school at grade 6, and their results will be compared with the control group of students and teachers' stance and performance level.

Consulting for MA research on translanguaging in the Akeu community, Myanmar in 2018.
Consulting for PhD research on translanguaging education by an education supervisor in Chiangmai, Thailand from 2019 to 2021.
Consulting for Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education manual drafting for the education department of the Philippines from Feb to April 2021.